You’ll be emailed an invoice immediately after your session (or before if you request it). Payment can be made either by bank transfer or by clicking the PayPal link and paying with your card.
Number of Sessions
HG therapy is fast, effective and long-lasting. Research shows that more than 3 in 4 clients were either symptom free or significantly recovered in an average of only 3.6 sessions.*
Most people I see see significant progress in 4-6 sessions although some people require only one or two sessions to achieves their required results. Some people with more complex difficulties may require more. My intention is always to work with you to achieve the outcomes you want in as short a time-frame as possible – and then for you to move on, with the tools and understanding to deal proactively with future challenges.
*Research published in: Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice
Session Types
Psychotherapy: these sessions are booked individually and are held on the Phone or online on Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. The intention is always to achieve recovery in as few sessions as possible.
Coaching: these sessions are usually held on the Phone but can be arranged on Zoom, Skype or FaceTime if required. They can be single appointments or, for those looking at career development or ongoing high performance, a model of an initial hour appointment and then 1 x 30-minute phone coaching session per fortnight is often beneficial. Please call or email Ros to discuss this option if required.
I never require a client to enter into a contract for a certain number of sessions. Therapy and Coaching sessions are only ever booked in single sessions – and with a view to helping you in as few sessions as possible.